Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Mickey Mouse & Spider-Man
Adult Content
This week I feel like I am such a Disney fan. For those who know me you know that I like going to Disney, but when it comes down to it, I normally go the cheaper rout and end up going 7 days at Universal then one day at Disney. Thats not to say I dont love Disney, I do... I just cant aford it. Whats the saying? Living a Champlain live on a beer budget?
This week two story's really cough my eye and got me thinking. The first being the Mouse kicking Universal in the soft "no no" spot by buying up Marvel comics, and with that would be the new owners and holder of any contracts Universal has with Marvel. Kinda makes me think, did Mickey do this just so they could hit Universal where it hurts? Will this hurt Universal?
When I look at Universals IOA, I see two lands that are successful, and some stuff thats not. The kids area, and the comic area are the two areas I feel are the biggest crowed pleasers. This will change with Potter flying in next year. Non the less Disney will now own the rights to one of the more popular areas at IOA. I think thats a low blow and sucks. Again, love Disney...

So my prodiction is that we will only see a few more seasons of our Spider-man ride (witch really is the only big themed ride that would actualy be effected if Marvel left). Good news is that Spider-man and Darkastle were designed in a way that could let the ride system stay, but the ride itself could be re-themed. So now the question is, does IOA have the guts to put in the Knights in White Saten, The Trip!
This week I feel like I am such a Disney fan. For those who know me you know that I like going to Disney, but when it comes down to it, I normally go the cheaper rout and end up going 7 days at Universal then one day at Disney. Thats not to say I dont love Disney, I do... I just cant aford it. Whats the saying? Living a Champlain live on a beer budget?

When I look at Universals IOA, I see two lands that are successful, and some stuff thats not. The kids area, and the comic area are the two areas I feel are the biggest crowed pleasers. This will change with Potter flying in next year. Non the less Disney will now own the rights to one of the more popular areas at IOA. I think thats a low blow and sucks. Again, love Disney...

So my prodiction is that we will only see a few more seasons of our Spider-man ride (witch really is the only big themed ride that would actualy be effected if Marvel left). Good news is that Spider-man and Darkastle were designed in a way that could let the ride system stay, but the ride itself could be re-themed. So now the question is, does IOA have the guts to put in the Knights in White Saten, The Trip!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Wake Up A Walk In The Park Blog
Hey Folks!
Hello all and welcome to the A Walk In The Park Blog. I know it has been way to long since things were handed off but we are finally back in the saddle and ready to go with some blogging.
First I would like to introduce my self. My name is Clint Novak, and I am taking over things for Pat well he becomes rich and famous. I never really had my own blog before, so this will be a new experience for us! Also want to point out to the people who don't know me my spelling and grammar is not so good, so you will have to forgive me if I spell something wrong. Also, I live in VA and my home park is Kings Dominion, so you will have to forgive me when I talk about Dominator and Intimidator 305 all the time!
I think thats where I will start with the blog. In the last few weeks the Coaster Crew and myself have been running all over covering the new roller coasters that are coming out. Not just coasters but other water rides and such as well. I think I will go down the line and give a little opinion about them.
Kennywoods Unnamed Coaster
This cool looking coaster I think is one of the bigger suprizes of the summer. I did not see Kennywood jumping in to this kind of coaster. The coaster is being built by Primier rides. It kind looks like Speed: The Ride mixed with Flight of Fear. Dont know how great of a ride it will be but I did not see it coming! Kennywoods first launch coaster!
Holiday World's Wildebeest
This was I think the biggest let down of the summer. When the hip first started for this ride I really thought they would be getting there first steel coaster. Then I saw the price tag, and said well its not a steely, but it could be a small woodie. Its a good thing that they are adding to the water park, because there water park is there big money maker and I think thats really cool. But I just think this is a lot of money for a water slide. BUT, it does look like a kick ass water coaster. Not a big fan of water coasters. Been on both in Sandusky (Convar belt and water jet) and really would like to see how the LIM system works with the water coaster. Also would love to see more water parks add flow riders. Love flow riders!!
Kings Dominion's Intimidator 305
Now this ride I can not wait to ride! I will admit that I knew about the details of this coaster before it was announced. I am not going to say how long I knew, but I will say this. If I ever had to choice between knowing before everyone, and finding out with everyone... I want to be a fan and find out like everyone else! That said I am so excited that my home park is getting such a great ride. I know there are a lot of winning coaster nerds and they are unhappy with is, but dude... we are getting a $25 million giga coaster! secend only to MF at Cedar Point in the USA!! I really cant wait. Love the layout.. but don't care for the theme. I am not upset with it because in the last few weeks I have seen how great this theme will be fore Kings Dominion and Carowinds (more so for Carowinds)
Carowinds Intimidator
This coaster is my secend favorite so far this year. As far as B&M Hypers go it looks nice. Kinda like Apollos Cheriot and Dimaond Back mixed in to one. I think Carowinds stepped up the themeing of this coaster and have told us of the details of the Que line and ride entrince. I really hope Kings Dominion does something like that as well.
Over all I really think next year is going to be a great summer. The only other big announcment I think we will see this year is Cedar Point and I am sure its some kind of water ride. So we will have to see in the upcoming weeks what that may be.
Well hope you liked the first blog. I know you are asking "If you are doing the blog, who is doing the podcast?" The answer is also me! Our webguy will be working on getting the feed over to Coaster Crew's website and we will get it back up and running. The podcast will be done the same way it was when Pat was running it. Will need your help to keep it going, so get ready to do some trip reports from the park!
Please feel free to email me if you have any questions, or comments!
Tell next time!
Hello all and welcome to the A Walk In The Park Blog. I know it has been way to long since things were handed off but we are finally back in the saddle and ready to go with some blogging.
First I would like to introduce my self. My name is Clint Novak, and I am taking over things for Pat well he becomes rich and famous. I never really had my own blog before, so this will be a new experience for us! Also want to point out to the people who don't know me my spelling and grammar is not so good, so you will have to forgive me if I spell something wrong. Also, I live in VA and my home park is Kings Dominion, so you will have to forgive me when I talk about Dominator and Intimidator 305 all the time!
I think thats where I will start with the blog. In the last few weeks the Coaster Crew and myself have been running all over covering the new roller coasters that are coming out. Not just coasters but other water rides and such as well. I think I will go down the line and give a little opinion about them.
Kennywoods Unnamed Coaster

Holiday World's Wildebeest

Kings Dominion's Intimidator 305

Carowinds Intimidator

Over all I really think next year is going to be a great summer. The only other big announcment I think we will see this year is Cedar Point and I am sure its some kind of water ride. So we will have to see in the upcoming weeks what that may be.
Well hope you liked the first blog. I know you are asking "If you are doing the blog, who is doing the podcast?" The answer is also me! Our webguy will be working on getting the feed over to Coaster Crew's website and we will get it back up and running. The podcast will be done the same way it was when Pat was running it. Will need your help to keep it going, so get ready to do some trip reports from the park!
Please feel free to email me if you have any questions, or comments!
Tell next time!
Cedar Point,
Holiday World,
Kings Dominion
Monday, June 1, 2009
My Final In The Loop Tonight
Hey Everyone,
Tonight at 8 eastern its my final episode of In The Loop. Tune in at:
Tonight at 8 eastern its my final episode of In The Loop. Tune in at:
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
5/26 USF "Changes Are Coming" Edition
Hello Everyone,
Before I get to todays update from Universal I got some news about the future of A Walk In The Park (Podcast/Blog). I got a new job today and will no longer be able to run A Walk In The Park or In The Loop, for more information see my post over at Coaster Crew:
Back to today, swung by Universal to see how things were going on the big projects.
Some Pics:
Here is Rip Ride Rockit, moving along well. I didn't see any testing, but there was progress. Lights were on at the top of the lift, station is coming together, a new railing has shown up and landscaping work continues on the 'Citywalk' section of the ride.
Sweet shirt.
Potterland: very large and construction moving very slow. I am starting to have a hard time believing that what is in these pictures, will look like this in just a year.
Ride Count
Men In Black
Simpsons (2 Times)
Mummy (2 Times)
Friday, May 22, 2009
5/22 "Quick Trip To DTD" Edition
I got a little bored today sitting around the apartment and decided to go for a walk around Downtown Disney. Even though I have been critical of the decision to close Pleasure Island, I do enjoy walking around DTD.

They have made some changes since the Virgin Megastore went out of business (insert joke here about Downtown Disney losing it's virginity here). They have taken down the old music banners on the backside of the building and replaced them with Downtown Disney banners and have covered some of the windows with "Celebrate Today" graphics.

Starabillia's has upped its discounts from 20% to 40%, which could be a sign that this store could be on its way out in the near future. I don't think Disney will have trouble selling this piece of property as they have had with the former PI clubs, because this is a much smaller space and is in an excellent location.

Paradiso 37 got it's sign as it gets closer to opening. I have no idea what the opening date for this place is, but I can't imagine its too far off.

I was pretty surprised to here the rumor on Screamscape this week that McDonalds is possibly going to be leaving Downtown Disney. I can see one of two things: It is going as a continued separation between the two companies (fries gone from theme parks & no disney toys in happy meals) or it will close to be rehabbed into a more modern McDonalds, similar to what is currentely being done to the one near the All Stars.

Up merchandise has arrived at World Of Disney, I'm looking forward to seeing this in 3D next week!

I found this cool retro espn shirt in Team Mickey. I am so going to buy this........ once I get a job.

In case you didn't know T-Rex is a huge hit. I have never eaten there (I do want to give it a try), but this mob was around the restaurant at dinner time.

As a big fan of the old Pleasure Island, it actually pains me to see this. They have closed up the clubs and replaced them with this lame excuse for entertainment. Pleasure Island has gone from the home of one of my favorite places on the planet, the Adventurers Club to a dead zone where a mic'd DJ runs around to try and get passers by to do the chicken dance. Yuck!

I walkaround Downtown about once a week, and this is the first time I have ever seen Characters In Flight selling tickets and taking guests up.
Thats it, hope you enjoyed the pictures.
They have made some changes since the Virgin Megastore went out of business (insert joke here about Downtown Disney losing it's virginity here). They have taken down the old music banners on the backside of the building and replaced them with Downtown Disney banners and have covered some of the windows with "Celebrate Today" graphics.
Starabillia's has upped its discounts from 20% to 40%, which could be a sign that this store could be on its way out in the near future. I don't think Disney will have trouble selling this piece of property as they have had with the former PI clubs, because this is a much smaller space and is in an excellent location.
Paradiso 37 got it's sign as it gets closer to opening. I have no idea what the opening date for this place is, but I can't imagine its too far off.
I was pretty surprised to here the rumor on Screamscape this week that McDonalds is possibly going to be leaving Downtown Disney. I can see one of two things: It is going as a continued separation between the two companies (fries gone from theme parks & no disney toys in happy meals) or it will close to be rehabbed into a more modern McDonalds, similar to what is currentely being done to the one near the All Stars.
Up merchandise has arrived at World Of Disney, I'm looking forward to seeing this in 3D next week!
I found this cool retro espn shirt in Team Mickey. I am so going to buy this........ once I get a job.
In case you didn't know T-Rex is a huge hit. I have never eaten there (I do want to give it a try), but this mob was around the restaurant at dinner time.
As a big fan of the old Pleasure Island, it actually pains me to see this. They have closed up the clubs and replaced them with this lame excuse for entertainment. Pleasure Island has gone from the home of one of my favorite places on the planet, the Adventurers Club to a dead zone where a mic'd DJ runs around to try and get passers by to do the chicken dance. Yuck!
I walkaround Downtown about once a week, and this is the first time I have ever seen Characters In Flight selling tickets and taking guests up.
Thats it, hope you enjoyed the pictures.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Final American Idol Thought
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Star Tours of Freestyle's New Hotness
So I got some thoughts on some recent things:

Star Tours 2.0
I am so excited that they are filming Star Tours 2.0. The original ride is a classic, but at about 20 years old has become pretty outdated. I think with all the technology out there (HD, 3D, Widescree, Holograms) that the imagineers can really put on a spectacular show here. I guess the big question on this one becomes, just when Star Tours 2.0 becomes a reality, my guess would be it opens on both coasts for the summer of 2010.

Freestyle Coming Together
Well the Freestyle Music Park finally has put more details on there website. They have a full map and ride names, a calender and prices. The big changes include Led Zepplin becoming the Time Machine, with 5 different soundtracks. I really like this idea, as it makes the attraction much more re-rideable. Of course there are some whiny coaster geeks out there that are complaining about the Zepplin being painted pink (these are probably the same losers that bitch about what unthemed coasters are named) but I think the Concept Art of the finished product looks pretty neat. The fireworks are returning, which is something I didn't expect to see.
I think the people behind FSMP seem to know more of what they are doing then the previous operators, but they are still going to need a good marketing campaign to get people to show up. Two major questions I have are just what music is going to be played on the roller coasters and more details about this 'Monstars Of Rock' dark ride that is replacing the Nights In White Satin attraction. I will get a chance to ask these questions tomorrow on In The Loop as a rep from the park is going to come on the show!!

New Hotness
So new rides have started to open and the new hotness is sweeping the country. The picture above is from the LA Times Blog showing off the highly detailed trains (complete with onboard audio) that look outstanding.
Monster Mansion re-opened at SFOG and looks very cool. I loved this ride when I went to the park back in 2002 and really really want to go on an updated version. While I really don't like six flags new super cheap plan of throwing a million dollars at a ride, changing its name and marketing it as new to try and dupe the public into thinking they got a new roller coaster (I actually had a conversation with my dad a few weeks back who said "I see great adventure is getting a new coaster this year" to which I had to respond "No, thats a painted Medusa with a new name") I think this one is really being marketed better, as "we updated a classic come check it out" so I approve.
Finish up this update with a youtube video of some of the new hotness out at DCA. If the rest of the 1.1 billion expansion is this good in quality then I have very high hopes for that parks future.

Star Tours 2.0
I am so excited that they are filming Star Tours 2.0. The original ride is a classic, but at about 20 years old has become pretty outdated. I think with all the technology out there (HD, 3D, Widescree, Holograms) that the imagineers can really put on a spectacular show here. I guess the big question on this one becomes, just when Star Tours 2.0 becomes a reality, my guess would be it opens on both coasts for the summer of 2010.

Freestyle Coming Together
Well the Freestyle Music Park finally has put more details on there website. They have a full map and ride names, a calender and prices. The big changes include Led Zepplin becoming the Time Machine, with 5 different soundtracks. I really like this idea, as it makes the attraction much more re-rideable. Of course there are some whiny coaster geeks out there that are complaining about the Zepplin being painted pink (these are probably the same losers that bitch about what unthemed coasters are named) but I think the Concept Art of the finished product looks pretty neat. The fireworks are returning, which is something I didn't expect to see.
I think the people behind FSMP seem to know more of what they are doing then the previous operators, but they are still going to need a good marketing campaign to get people to show up. Two major questions I have are just what music is going to be played on the roller coasters and more details about this 'Monstars Of Rock' dark ride that is replacing the Nights In White Satin attraction. I will get a chance to ask these questions tomorrow on In The Loop as a rep from the park is going to come on the show!!

New Hotness
So new rides have started to open and the new hotness is sweeping the country. The picture above is from the LA Times Blog showing off the highly detailed trains (complete with onboard audio) that look outstanding.
Monster Mansion re-opened at SFOG and looks very cool. I loved this ride when I went to the park back in 2002 and really really want to go on an updated version. While I really don't like six flags new super cheap plan of throwing a million dollars at a ride, changing its name and marketing it as new to try and dupe the public into thinking they got a new roller coaster (I actually had a conversation with my dad a few weeks back who said "I see great adventure is getting a new coaster this year" to which I had to respond "No, thats a painted Medusa with a new name") I think this one is really being marketed better, as "we updated a classic come check it out" so I approve.
Finish up this update with a youtube video of some of the new hotness out at DCA. If the rest of the 1.1 billion expansion is this good in quality then I have very high hopes for that parks future.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
5/8-14 "Finally Have The Internet Back" Edition
Its been a while since an update blog (and there's plenty to update about) I haven't had my internet working since Friday, so did plenty of playing here in Central Florida instead. I went to Sea World (5/8), Universal (5/9 & Today), Magic Kingdom (5/10) and Animal Kingdom (5/12).
Some Notes:
- Rode back row on Manta, pretty intense.
- I saw Blue Horizons for the first time and really enjoyed it. Its the dolphin/bird/acrobat/diver show Sea World has, its a bit odd, but I dig it.
- Can't say the same for Believe which I saw for the first time. This version of the Shamu show I thought was pretty tame, really seemed to try and make a bigger deal about itself then it should and I think was designed to mostly sell necklaces.
- Sea Worlds food is great, but a tad on the pricey side $8 Burgers & over $10 for the BBQ.
- Shamu Stadium is absolutely massive, not sure what holds more people this or Lights Motors at DHS.
- Dolphins were fun to watch in their exhibit, as they were swimming in packs.
- Pets Ahoy is just a simple, fun (and air conditioned) little show.
- Saw the vortex-less Poseidons Fury, which isn't nearly as good as the Vortex version, but I don't find awful. The host had a good line while encouraging guest not to move on to the next room "There Could Be Snake In There............. Or Voltemort".
- Why isn't parts of the castle at Dueling Dragons AC'd it made waiting in line very uncomfortable.
- MIB score 218,000.
- I was at the Magic Kingdom on Mothers Day and the park did a very nice gesture and there was a guy on main street giving flowers out to all the mothers that past.
- I got to the park too late to see the new Stitch stage show, while not something I'm particularly looking forward to, it's something new I haven't seen.
- Both cannons were down on Stitch's Great Escape, which really hurts the show.
- Park was pretty empty for the Magic Kingdom.
- Had a really good walk thru of the Majarah Jungle Trek, the tigers were wrestling and the Tapir was swimming around.
- Mummy animatronic was down again today.
- MIB score 269,000
- "I like those rides with scores, you get to shoot stuff" - Simple Man Getting Off Men In Black
- Didn't see to much work going on at Rockit.
Some Pics:
Some of the merch over at Manta, nothing that really strikes my fancy.
Reminder: Your not in Disney World anymore.
Not sure what they were doing, but these two firefighters were walking around the park in full gear.
Am I going crazy or are these boxed trees in Adventureland outside the Jungle Cruise new?
New shirts at Pirates.
Completed Stitch stage.
Small World getting some love and has a temporary tiny entrance not where it usually is.
Sweet Goofy as Davy Jones plush.
Wipeout was a Downtown Disney on Monday, not as impressive as I thought it would be.
Tapir chilling in the water.
This one's for you Rapids Nerd.
A terrifying gathering of birds on the safari.
Why would they let the incredible failure that is 'Celebrate Tonight' grow?? It now has its own fail shack.
I think Laffers got a new color.
Construction continues on Paradiso 37.
Virgin Megastore is now closed, for those of you keeping count at home that makes 8 empty spots in Downtown Disney.
Potter construction.
A temporary stage was being set up at Universal, not sure what its for, I'd guess some special after hours event.
They re-arranged the Mummy gift shop, not sure why this was done.
Some sweet plush for sale in Suess Landing.
Potter keeps growing.
Ride Count
Blue Horizons
Sky Tower
Shark Encounter
Pets Ahoy
Poseidons Fury
Fire Dragon
Tiki Room
Jungle Cruise (2 Times)
Stitchs Great Escape
Haunted Mansion
Splash Mountain
Kilamanjaro Safari
Jammin Jungle Parade
Cat In The Hat
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